New Year, New You: 5 Healthy Habits you should adopt in 2016

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January 4, 2016

Ok, so the bells stopped ringing and the fireworks are over, your New Year’s headache/hangover should just about be gone and you may be struggling to remember your resolutions for 2016. So here we are with some suggestions for you because it’s a new year and that means it’s time for a NEW YOU. Yes, we know, you are already amazing, but there is always room for improvement! It time to introduce some new habits into your lifestyle so let’s take a look at a few that may be simple but will definitely improve your health and wellbeing.

We live in the era of processed foods. The all-present high fructose corn syrup is currently one of the biggest contributor to the development of cancers and cardiovascular diseases. There is not enough stressing how important it is to cook most of your meals at home and replace sugary drinks with water and herbal tea. This year, try to cook more foods from scratch and avoid store bought sauces and condiments. Try and see for yourself how much better you will feel!

Get off your computer/tablet/smartphone

Get involved in real life! Social media is so 2015! Meet people, experience everything in person. Feel, live and be like never before! Enjoy the great outdoors more! Wherever you live I’m sure there is a nice place nearby for a walk, a run or a Sunday afternoon picnic with your friends. Spend some time outside just breathing in the air –yoga, meditation – anything that allows you a moment to chill and relax will be soothing to your stressed body and mind.  Move more and get fitter!

Sleep more

Sleep is not only pleasant but also really good for you!  Sleep is involved in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. Also, in recent studies lack of sleep has been linked to obesity! So go ahead and get those ZZZ’s in!

Drink more water

Too obvious? Maybe. But I’m sure you’re still not hydrated enough. This is not a fad. Staying hydrated keeps your metabolism going, keeps your kidneys healthy and your skin glowing. Remember, if you are not a fan of plain water, try some fruit juice, herbal or green tea.

Follow your dreams!

Yes, this is quite a cliché but very real nonetheless! This year, do not procrastinate or make excuses. If there is anything you’ve always wanted – fitness related or otherwise – focus, work on it and follow through! Be inspired by others who already achieved what you dream of – they are just people – like you. If they can do it, why can’t you? You can do anything if you put your mind to it.