Pilates Industry Statistics Indicate Strong Opportunity

The growth of the Pilates industry has been significant in the past few years, increasing steadily year after year. The market size of the industry has increased faster than the economy overall, with an average growth rate of 1.7% per year between 2016 and 2021.
Pilates industry growth is only expected to continue – back in 2017 the Pilates and yoga studios market size was valued at almost $88 million, and that number is expected to grow to nearly $216 million by 2025. The Pilates industry growth can be attributed to myriad factors, from the national availability of a wide variety of gyms to a growing interest in health and fitness among certain demographics. There are 9 million people practicing Pilates in the U.S., and that number is only growing!
We can’t speak for other franchises, but we know why BODYBAR is booming. Our owners aren’t required to come into the business with fitness industry experience – we simply ask that they come to the table with a passion for fitness and a desire for a flexible, empowering career that propels them toward their own goals while helping others achieve their fitness ambitions. Thanks to the growth of the Pilates industry, our franchisees can expect a positive return on investment as well. Check out our BODYBAR Pilates statistics:
- 30%+ anticipated profit margin
- <3 years return on investment
- $566k average gross annual sales
If the numbers don’t do it for you, take it from our franchisees. Check out what owner Ashley Van Emmerik has to say about owning her own BODYBAR Pilates studio.
“As someone who always wanted to own my own business, I am in love with BODYBAR. Not only does BODYBAR provide an opportunity to work out, but it also has a true sense of community, allowing everyone to meet new friends and feel like they can fit in.”
Pilates provides low-impact workout routines for those looking for benefits such as improved flexibility, increased muscle strength and tone, better posture, and improved balance mobility. BODBYBAR Pilates additionally prides itself on a community filled with kind, motivating people, from our owners to our members.
Interested in owning your own BODYBAR Pilates studio? Connect with us today!